Friday 17 June 2011

Things that take my fancy

This is a random post with a collection of photos of things that have taken my fancy over the last few months... It's quite a motley crew of photos, but they are all things that have caught my eye and made me pause. It seems a shame to just pass things by sometimes, so I thought perhaps a blog is the best place to share them. To preserve them for me and to share them with others too.

 There is a road I walk down on my way into work, and somebody has obviously done a bit of 'guerilla gardening. At the foot of each tree, somebody has planted colourful flowers. It's such a nice idea, to pretty up the feet of city trees, that are often so ugly!

Here's another...

Somebody had put up this 'lost' photo in my street (in West London). It brought a smile to my face. I wonder if they were ever reunited with their owner...

My brother and I sat in a parkby the river the other day, while our mum was having an operation. We sat there for hours chatting, and sometimes lying down and looking up at the sky. This is one of the clouds we noticed, and fancied it looked like Great Britain. What do you think?

I caught the tube with my mum and son Dylan the other day and they started putting their feet together across the aisle. I fancied it as a photo and snapped it. There's something nice about the contrast of their feet together...

For some reason this poster catches my eye every time I walk past. I mainly like the font, but I think the whole feel of the posters are really interesting.

That's it!
'Til next time...

1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog. I really enjoyed this post! I miss London so much, my greatest wish is that I could somehow live there someday! Enjoy it for me!
